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  • Infrastructure of IraqDatum23.08.2024 14:34
    Thema von TomGibson im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    The logistics performance index of Iraq is 2.3. It indicates a mediocre performance - shipping procedures are relatively unreliable, timeliness and safety of transferred goods are often a problem, although such a system may function relatively well if traffic is no too dense.

    Customs performance is rated at 1.98. It indicates a mediocre performance - although somewhat ineffective, clearence porcesses do not overly discourage international business activity, occasionally fees and/or documents needed may be unpredictable, long clearance time can also be a problem.

    Infrastructure quality in Iraq is rated to be at 2.18. It indicates a mediocre quality - roads, railroad, ports and other facilities are able to handle somewhat significant traffic, but not enough to ensure smooth transit at all times.

    International shipment quality is 2.31. It indicates a mediocre performance - the services provided are somewhat attractive to foreign customers and the price accurately matches the quality, which is still not very competitive.

    The competence of logistics service providers is valued at 2.15. The providers are of mediocre competence - they are able to ensure a certain degree of quality in their services, even excelling at times, although generally their performance may still be lacking in many aspects.

    Tracking possibilities for shipments are rated at 2.31. It indicates a mediocre performance - the tracking systems provide some degree of information which usually includes the most necessary topics, such as the current location of a shipment, the dates of arrival and departure and the status of a shipment; still, more detailed information about the status and multi-language accessibility options are usually lacking.

    Tracking possibilities for shipments are rated at 2.85. It indicates a satisfactory performance - most of the shipments arrive timely and within the scheduled time brackets; late arrivals are still possible, although uncommon.

    In Iraq, 100% of the population has access to electricity. Iraq has 102 airports nationwide. There are 26 internet hosts in Iraq. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Iraq is 588.

    Road network
    The total road length in Iraq is 58,592 km (36,415 miles).

    Gas price
    On average, you would pay 0.43 USD for one liter of gasoline in Iraq. One liter of diesel would cost 0.64 USD.

  • Company formation in ArubaDatum11.03.2024 12:04
    Thema von TomGibson im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    The development of telecommunications and economic globalization has made it possible for interested investors to form companies around the world. With proper research, financial investments, and legal backing, business ventures can safely be established in almost all of the world's countries. While it was once a complicated corporate endeavor to establish an international business, it is now commonplace with the help of experienced legal and economic advisers.

    The advantages of forming a company in a foreign country are as numerous as they are obvious. Many countries offer specific location-based benefits, ranging from natural resources and established infrastructure to favorable laws and regulations that encourage growth in a specific industry. Likewise, it may be difficult to establish a venture or acquisition in one's home country because of disadvantageous situations: political or regulatory environments, lack of resources, and more. In this situation, it is useful to consider an overseas option that offers greater opportunities for growth, development, and success.

    Company Registration in Aruba
    When establishing a company in Aruba, an interested investor must do due diligence with regard to legal processes, international regulations, and sufficient investment for success. It is critical to understand cultural, social, and political factors that will affect the establishment and growth of one's business; failure to do so could result in unintended consequences. Poorly-researched and tone-deaf international launches often end in disaster, as time, money, and energy is lost because of poor planning.

    Legal documents
    Each country of the world presents its own set of intricate challenges with regard to forming, developing, and sustaining a business. Owners, financiers, and investors must enter into these engagements with the support of a knowledgeable and experienced legal team. Only someone with detailed knowledge of local and international corporate law will be able to set up an overseas business while avoiding the pitfalls that affect many new companies.

    Additionally, shrewd businesspeople may consider opportunities to invest in overseas businesses without actually forming their own companies. In these situations, it still benefits the investor to team up with a knowledgeable adviser in global economics and litigation. International investments create a truly diverse portfolio that offers opportunities for growth that were unthinkable just decades ago.

    Potential investors, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs should consider existing infrastructure in Aruba when planning the launch of a new business. While substantial infrastructure and systems can help to make the business establishment a smooth process, it could also represent market saturation and diminished potential for growth. On the other hand, a lack of infrastructure often serves as a major hindrance to growth; however, lack of infrastructure indicates a clear market opening for a creative and efficient new business.

  • Thema von TomGibson im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Multinational companies and governments around the world are increasingly looking to Africa as a new business destination. Africa's economy has grown at a rate of around 5.3% per year over the last decade and six of the world's ten fastest growing economies are located here. These countries have a fast-growing middle class that contributes to rapid urbanization that is increasing faster than their cities' infrastructure can keep up. It is a common misconception that many economies in Africa are heavily dependent on energy production. In reality, the oil and gas sector accounted for only 11% of Nigeria's GDP in 2014, while the construction sector accounted for 20%.

    When considering doing business in Africa, it is not a matter of choosing just one country or all 54; A regional approach makes more sense. Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, refers to sub-Saharan countries such as Angola, Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria. Many companies already doing business in Africa are separating their businesses in North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa due to the stark economic, linguistic and cultural differences between the two regions. Here are our top 5 African countries for doing business:

    Mauritius is known for offering an extremely favorable business environment for investment and business growth. The process of incorporating a company and starting new business activities in Mauritius is believed to be straightforward and relatively easy. Mauritius' economy is mainly based on textiles, tourism, sugar and financial services, although recently other sectors such as renewable energy and information technology are expanding rapidly. The World Bank ranked Mauritius 49th in its Doing Business 2017 ranking, largely due to its pro-business approach to dealing with building permits, enforcing contracts and protecting minority investors. Another ranking of African countries places Mauritius first based on factors such as law and security, economy, human development and human rights.

    Despite nearly a decade of Rwanda's civil war, the country's leaders and citizens alike have worked to achieve a healthy business climate and a strong overall economy. According to the World Bank, Rwanda is the second easiest place to do business in Africa and ranks 56th in the Doing Business ranking. This is because the procedures for registering a property, obtaining credit and trading across borders have been greatly simplified. Tourism is currently the fastest growing sector in Rwanda. According to our research, businesses can be incorporated and operating in as little as three days.

    Since gaining independence, Botswana has had one of the fastest per capita economic growth rates in the world. As the government works to diversify the country's profitable industries, the mining of diamonds and other precious metals is currently the main contributor to the country's economy. Recently, Botswana has managed to reduce the time it takes for various processes including import and export and business formation procedures. In addition, technological upgrades have reduced the average court length for commercial disputes to 625 days (from 987 days in 2008). Thanks to these improvements, Botswana ranks 71st in the World Bank's Doing Business 2017 ranking.

    South Africa
    South Africa's key industries are automobile manufacturing, tourism, mining and information and communication technologies. South Africa has managed to simplify its import and export procedures, resulting in less time and fewer documents required. In addition, the South African authorities have simplified tax legislation, reducing the number of hours required to prepare tax reports. The World Bank ranked South Africa 74th for ease of doing business in 2017.

    Another country to keep an eye on is Kenya, which is currently making huge investments in sectors such as telecom, transport and energy. With a tech-savvy workforce and high-speed internet, Kenya stands out as one of the top countries in Africa for tech startups, while its diversified economy, strong ownership rights, excellent tourism sector and improving infrastructure make it a great location for general start a new company. If you have further questions about company formation or banking in Africa. Please contact us now.

  • Geography of LithuaniaDatum13.08.2023 13:09
    Thema von TomGibson im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Lithuania is considered to be a large nation because of its total area. Its total land area is 65,300 km² (approx. 25,212 mi²). Continental shelf of Lithuania is approximately 7,031 km² (around 2,715 mi²). Lithuania is located in Europe. Europe is a continent whose borders date back to the period of antiquity. European countries include, but are not limited to, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malta, and The Vatican. Lithuania has 4 neighbouring countries. Its neighbours include Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Russia. Lithuania is not a landlocked country. It means that is is bordered by at least one major body of water. The average elevation range of Lithuania is 110 m (361 ft).

    Total length of land borders of Lithuania is 1549 kilometers (~598 miles). Lithuania shares its land borders with 4 different countries, and has the same number of unique land boundaries to neigbouring territories. As in the case of Lithuania, if a country has the same number of unique neighboring territories as number of land borders, than that country has no non-contiguous sections of a land border. This is in contrast to several countries that have multiple non-contiguous sections of land borders. Lithuania has 4 neighbouring countries. Its neighbours include Belarus, Latvia, Poland, and Russia. The lengths of the land borders of Lithuania with its neighbouring countries are as follows:

    Belarus - 502 km (312 mi),
    Latvia - 453 km (282 mi),
    Poland - 91 km (57 mi),
    Russia - 227 km (141 mi).

    The capital city of Lithuania is Vilnius. The largest city in Lithuania is Vilnius.

    The average elevation range of Lithuania is 110 m (361 ft). The highest point of Lithuania is Aukštojas Hill, with its official height being 294 m (965 ft). The lowest point of Lithuania is Nemunas. It lies at -5 m (-16 ft), i.e. below the sea level. The elevation difference between the highest (Aukštojas Hill) and lowest (Nemunas) points of Lithuania is 299 m (2 ft).

    The total land area of Lithuania is 65,300 km² (approx. 25,212 mi²). and the total exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is 7,031 km² (~2,715 mi²). The continental shelf of Lithuania is approximately 7,031 km² (around 2,715 mi²). Including land mass and EEZ, the total area of Lithuania is approximately 72,331 km² (~27,927 mi²). Lithuania is considered to be a large nation because of its total area.

    Forest and arable land
    21,223 km² of Lithuania's territory is covered in forests, and forest land comprises 33% of all the land in the country. There are 29,261 km² of arable land in Lithuania, and it comprises 45% of the country's total territory.

  • Environment of ComorosDatum10.06.2023 08:54
    Thema von TomGibson im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Comoros emits 0.2 metric tons per capita of CO2. 50 km² of Comoros's territory is covered in forests. and forest land comprises 3% of all the land in the country. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Comoros is 27.

  • Nominee servicesDatum23.05.2023 12:50
    Thema von TomGibson im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Nominee services are typically provided by an intermediary to disguise the beneficial owner's business. Nominee services relate to the nominee shareholder and the nominee director. As a rule, the nominee services should also include a PO box service (office address for correspondence purposes). Nominee services are suitable for large corporate tax planning structures and often include an international aspect. For example, the beneficial owner is based in another country and not the company itself.

    Nominee shareholder services are typically provided on the basis of a declaration of trust whereby the nominee declares that they hold shares on behalf of someone else and have no authority to make decisions in the company, neither to vote at a shareholders' meeting nor to receive dividends from it unless the customer expressly gives an instruction. The nominee has no right to sell shares unless requested by the client. However, the Client and the Nominee may agree on specific tasks for the Nominee to perform. Such duties are often entrusted to lawyers and attorneys who have expertise in the field and can protect the interests of the client.

    Nominee director, also called 'shadow director' who normally only appears for official records while the company is effectively run by the client by power of attorney. On the basis of an approval, the client can open a bank account and assume full corporate management and control.

    Benefits of Nominee Services
    The benefits of using nominee services are evident in cases where an entrepreneur wishes to maintain their privacy and reduce visibility in official records or does not want their name to be associated with the business in question. In addition, there may be times when a person may have restrictions on performing the proposed activity or the law may require local management, such as a local secretary in Hong Kong.

    When a quick action is necessary to register a company abroad, in case the client cannot travel, it is often more convenient to temporarily appoint a local company manager. If the intention is to open a company in overseas jurisdiction, such as BVI, Belize, Hong Kong, it might be physically complicated to arrive in person.

    Nominee services usually guarantee confidentiality and anonymity. However, a disclosure sometimes happen at bank or in investigation authorities during court proceedings.

    The nominee services are widely used for tax planning and asset protection purposes. If ultimate beneficiary of completely corporate structure is based in low tax countries, he should enjoy the benefits of low tax system for the received dividends from the earned profits.

    Other advantage derives from the registration country and is often referred to financial statements and reports. In some tax haven jurisdictions there is no need for submitting the annual, therefore, low auditing and bookkeeping requirements that provide certain advantages, if the person is willing to increase privacy and confidentiality and hide his/her assets.

  • Bank account opening in EcuadorDatum01.11.2022 12:13
    Thema von TomGibson im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    With the right documentation and initial expenses, it is possible for a foreign citizen to open a bank account in Ecuador. This international account and investment opportunity offers several advantages based on economic regulations and tax structures. Interest rates, tax laws and fees vary depending on the country in which you invest; Careful research and strategic financial actions could result in significant portfolio growth.

    If one is considering opening a bank account in Ecuador, one must enlist the help of international experts to guide them through the process.

    Legal structures in Ecuador
    Each international jurisdiction adheres to different legal structures for taxation and banking. Confidus Solutions helps you understand the nuances of each country's legal structure. In order to do business in Ecuador, it is crucial that you have a thorough understanding of the financial and legal ramifications.

    Initial investments
    The vast majority of bank accounts in Ecuador require an initial financial outlay to secure the account opening. This value differs from bank to bank and also depends on variable exchange rates. An international financial expert will help navigate these conversions, as well as the various fees and minimums associated with maintaining a bank account. Make sure you understand the interest and growth rates associated with each prospective international bank account so you can maximize your returns while minimizing risk.

    Tax structures in Ecuador
    To get the best results and avoid bureaucratic and legal pitfalls, enlist the support of an expert in international finance and economics. This initial investment in proper processes and research will help avoid a litany of long-term costs and fees related to unforeseen errors and legal errors. Language skills, financial know-how and bureaucratic experience ensure that your account opening is processed smoothly and without unintended consequences.

  • Politics of NetherlandsDatum17.09.2022 17:11
    Thema von TomGibson im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Netherlands, is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy. In terms of political and civil liberties, the Netherlands is 1. Citizens in the Netherlands experience complete freedom. The majority of countries where citizens enjoy wide civil liberties and political liberties are representative democracies, where officials are directly elected by the citizens to advocate for their needs and wants. Free countries are often empowered by healthy economies and well-functioning governments. Prime Minister is Willem-Alexander.

    According to the World Bank Group, the Netherlands' Government Effectiveness Index is 1.83. This shows that the Dutch government is very effective. Citizens enjoy highly effective social, public and public services and general morale in the Netherlands is high. Government actions are efficient and expeditious, and dangerous situations are therefore highly unlikely. In the Netherlands, legislative power rests with a State General. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for the Netherlands is 1.432. The strength of the rights index for the Netherlands is 3. Overall it is considered rather weak – bankruptcy and collateral laws can protect the rights of borrowers and lenders to a certain extent; Credit information may be sufficient but scarcely available, or conversely, available but not sufficient. The Netherlands is a member of the United Nations (UN). On December 10, 1945, it acceded to the United Nations on the founding date as a full member state. The Netherlands is one of the original UN member states that founded the organization. The Netherlands is a member of the European Union (EU). On December 10, 1945, it joined the EU as a full member.

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