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TomGibson Offline

Beiträge: 9

17.09.2022 17:11
Politics of Netherlands Antworten

Netherlands, is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy. In terms of political and civil liberties, the Netherlands is 1. Citizens in the Netherlands experience complete freedom. The majority of countries where citizens enjoy wide civil liberties and political liberties are representative democracies, where officials are directly elected by the citizens to advocate for their needs and wants. Free countries are often empowered by healthy economies and well-functioning governments. Prime Minister is Willem-Alexander.

According to the World Bank Group, the Netherlands' Government Effectiveness Index is 1.83. This shows that the Dutch government is very effective. Citizens enjoy highly effective social, public and public services and general morale in the Netherlands is high. Government actions are efficient and expeditious, and dangerous situations are therefore highly unlikely. In the Netherlands, legislative power rests with a State General. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for the Netherlands is 1.432. The strength of the rights index for the Netherlands is 3. Overall it is considered rather weak – bankruptcy and collateral laws can protect the rights of borrowers and lenders to a certain extent; Credit information may be sufficient but scarcely available, or conversely, available but not sufficient. The Netherlands is a member of the United Nations (UN). On December 10, 1945, it acceded to the United Nations on the founding date as a full member state. The Netherlands is one of the original UN member states that founded the organization. The Netherlands is a member of the European Union (EU). On December 10, 1945, it joined the EU as a full member.

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